In virtue of compliance with the Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on information society services and electronic commerce please be advised as follows:
Art. 10 LISS: is a domain on the Internet owned by Talleres Landaluce, S.A. with address at Requejada B11 (Polanco, Cantabria, Spain) and VAT A-39004148. The company is registered at the Mercantile Register of Santander in sheet 422 of volume 51, Book 51 of Public Limited Companies.
This legal notice regulates the use of said domain.
The use of this website implies the acceptance by the user of the usage conditions included in this notice as well as our policies about “Data protection and privacy” and “Cookie Policy”. In the event some contents and/or tools offered through this website require from the application of some particular conditions these would be at disposal of the user.
On the other hand it is warned that both the contents and services on this web page and the usage conditions themselves may be modified without prior notice.
Usage conditions.
The user promises to provide true, accurate and comprehensive data about his/her identity in those fields where it may be required to register to get access. The user also promises to keep the personal data he/she may provide the owner of the domain up to date and therefore being he/her the only responsible for any false/inaccurate data provided.
It is advised that, shall the user be under age, he/she must obtain the allowance from his/her parents, tutors or legal representatives to have access to the services rendered. Talleres Landaluce S.A. will not be held responsible shall the data on this respect be inaccurate or false.
The “portal” should be used for legal purposes only, therefore, the user obliges himself/herself to make a licit and honest use of the portal and in conformity with the present General Usage Conditions, to not use the services of the “portal” for the carrying out of any activities contrary to the Spanish legislation, to the moral and the public order, taking over the user all responsibilities for any damages or losses against the owner of the domain or third parties that may overcome from illegal or not allowed practices, among these as reference only and not limited to:
Manipulating or altering this webpage without prior consent from the owner of the domain; the owner of the domain will not be taking over any responsibility that may derive from any manipulation or alteration by third parties.
Performing any act that may damage, render unusable, overload or deteriorate the Portal and its services and/or impede the normal use and usage by the users.
Loading and/or using any computer software, data, defective files, viruses, malicious codes, hardware or telecommunication equipment or any other, which may cause some harm to the Portal, to any of the services, or to any of the assets (physical or logical) of the information systems of the domain’s owner.
Violate the rights of third parties to their intimacy, their self-image, data protection, secrecy in communications or intellectual and industrial propriety.
Hide and falsify the origin of e-mail messages.
Use false identities; supplant the identity of others during the usage of the Portal or any of its services.
Reproduce, spread, modify or copy the content of this page unless authorized by the owner of the domain or unless being legally authorized to do so.
Convey usernames and access passwords to non-authorized third parties.
Talleres Landaluce, S.A. does not take responsibility for any LINKS to other third party Internet pages and their existence does not imply that we approve or accept their contents and services.
These other webpages are uncontrolled and uncovered by the present Privacy Policy. If you access other webpages using the links provided, the operators of those websites may collect your personal data. Make sure you agree with the Privacy Policies of those third webpages before providing any kind of personal information.
In general the owner of the domain excludes its responsibility for damages and losses of any nature and kind that may derive from the use of the website, as well as for damages or losses derived from the infraction of the intellectual and industrial ownership rights by the users and/or the lack of veracity, accuracy and the contents being or not up-to-date nor could any responsibility be claimed because of a service interruption, inadequate operating or impossibility to access the service.
The owner of the domain will not be responsible for any damages and losses caused by the presence of viruses or any other harmful software that may cause alterations in the computer system of the user.
The website, including as reference and not limited to its programming, designs, logos, text and/or graphs are ownership of the render and has a license or express authorization from the authors.
Regardless of the purpose for which they were aimed, the total or partial reproduction, use, exploitation, distribution and commercialization require in any case from prior written authorization from the owner of the domain.
The user promises not to commit any act contrary to the intellectual or industrial propriety rights of the author.
The render expressly authorizes that third parties may directly redirect to specific contents of the website, redirection must be in any case to the main website of the render.
3. Use of cookies
Talleres Landaluce, S.A. as the owner of this web declares to be using automatic procedures to collect information to keep a record of the users visiting the webpage. Click here to access our policy for the use of cookies: Cookie policy
4. Data protection
You may check our policy about protection of personal data at the following section: Policy of Data Protection.
5. Applicable legislation
The present Conditions will be governed at all times by what ordered in the Spanish legislation.
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